Friday, October 23, 2009

A New Appreciation of Comics as Art

             I never really understood what comics were. Growing up I was never interested in them but was exposed to them through my brother. All I associated with comics was colorful pictures of superheroes. I also made fun of my brother because I thought it was a dorky hobby. After reading McCloud’s Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art, my perceptions on comics has greatly changed. Comics really are more complex than what our ideologies say they are, such as childish. They allow the reader to be imaginative in their thinking as they read the comic, thus completing it. Other mediums don’t leave the gap for the reader to create their own stories within the story. Comics are art and should be accredit as such. A lot of time and effort is put into the creation of comics and it is unjust for them to go unnoticed simply because they are “just comics.” I’m glad that I am now informed of the true meaning behind comics which allows me to appreciate another thing in life rather than looking past it. I can’t say that reading comics will become a hobby, however when I see a comic strip in the newspaper I will read it and think further into what is in front of me. I hope that others who have never appreciated comics will have the chance to learn more about the mysterious and magical part of them.

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